The Faith Foods Distribution initiative to assist COVID-struck communities

Category: Sustainability

The COVID-19 pandemic and public health measures to slow or stop the spread of COVID-19 have led to many different types of losses- the loss of loved ones, social support, and income. BC Funding Solutions and Sectional Title Solutions (STS Group) have partnered with Faith Foods Distribution NPO (FFD) to alleviate the impact of the pandemic on the broader South African community through financial assistance, food and care packages.

FFD is a Non-Profit Organisation that is grounded, not only in economic realisations for the poor, but also in the belief that each person has inherent dignity and worth. A nation should be best measured by how they treat the less fortunate in times of turmoil and alleviating poverty should form a large part of our national heritage. The FFD initiative reflects what is best about South Africa and inspires compassion in us all. BC Funding Solutions has committed to this intervention. The initiative is open to the public and will continue to assist a lot of people even post the pandemic.

To date FFD has:

  • Assisted approximately 25 families to the value of R673 860.66;
  • Participated in a blanket outreach to the value of R7 200.00 donating 32 blankets;
  • Distributed masks to the value of R8 000.00;
  • Delivered groceries and art supplies to 20 foreign national families in a Shelter in Orange Farm;
  • Fed a total of 65 people (35 of them children) every day for a month at the Footprints PLAY home;
  • Donated, in support of Mandela Day 2020:
    • Round Table Sandton for The Family Africa to the value of R10 000.00;
      Round Table Florida for Divine Mercy House to the value of R10 000.00;
      Woodside Sanctuary to the value of R10 000.00.

BC Funding Solutions is devoted to making a real impact and improving the social, economic and environmental well-being of the national community by being a responsible corporate citizen with a strong focus on sustainable development. “A big focus for the STS Group has been adopting initiatives that will make South Africa a better place for all communities by supporting them through social investments. The pandemic has impacted our lives in a myriad of ways. It has taken a big toll on wage earners, the homeless, business owners and the underprivileged. “This initiative by FFD, delivers assistance to those in need in a meaningful way.” says Justin Mason, Chairman.

The ripple effects of the pandemic will be felt long after it has ended, many people have lost loved ones, employment, ways of life that bring comfort and access to basic necessities. In the plight that is the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded that kindness goes a long way. Our compassion will make us strive as a nation.

“It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.” – Nelson Mandela

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